Posted by: kam6761 | August 11, 2007

Five months

It’s so hard to believe that in less than five months I’ll be in Namibia! I sent out letters to friends, loved ones, and parents of friends that I’ve gotten close to over the years. I’m hoping that people are getting excited about the project and from the few people I have talked to it seems to be the case. Last week I filled out the first of several forms regarding my placement, letting the field director know what grades and subjects I would like to teach. I’m hoping I’ll end up in an elementary school teaching English, Art, History, or “Life Skills.” Chances are I’ll also be involved in some sort of HIV awareness class as well, being as 20% of adults are infected and that rate is rising.

In the meantime I am trying to enjoy my last few months here. I’m headed out to my friend Kristen’s birthday party tonight, who has been really supportive and helpful regarding the project. She works on campus and spent an entire day calling around different offices on campus, trying to see what departments may be able to offer me some sort of grants or sponsorships. She gave me a few leads which I’ll be following up on soon.

ANYWAY- I hope everyone is enjoying this humid weekend!

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