Posted by: kam6761 | November 4, 2008

Two Hilarious Anecdotes

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So yesterday we got a card from one of our frequent visitors, Julia. It went a little something like this:

To Mr Dan, Miss Kathryn and Mr Bringo

Hello Miss Kathryn. I just want to say how is the weather condition and how are you? I jast want to know what gr you are teaching now?

Hello Mr Dan. I jast want to say how is the weather condition and how are you? I jast want to know what gr you are teaching now and when is your birthday party?

Hello Mr Bringo. I jast want to say how is the weather condition and how are you? I jast want to say you are soft and you are looking beautiful.

From Julia

No, we don’t have any idea why she might think Dan is having a birthday party, but we do think it’s adorable that she not only greeted but also complimented our dog.

Second hilarious thing to share. Today two of my colleagues were discussing culture. Mr. McKensey, a Herero (one of the tribes in Namibia, but most of the people in our area are Owambo), was expressing that he thought it was disgusting that a woman would be allowed to speak at a funeral. Meme Eunice, a new teacher at our school who is Owambo, then came back (rather cleverly, in my opinion) and told him that there was something wrong with his culture and its disdain for women explained why many Hereros end up marrying sisters and cousins. Mr. McKensey then went on to proclaim that “THERE IS EVEN A TRIBE IN AMERICA THAT DOES THOSE THINGS!”

I was incredibly confused by this comment, being as incest is ILLEGAL, but also because we don’t have TRIBES in America. I denied this and he looked at me, almost crazed, and barked: “YOU HAVE NOT HEARD OF THE REDNECKS?!?!?!”

Oh yes, the Rednecks, the most beloved of our American tribes.


  1. i really really really enjoyed that letter. and laughed a lot. but yes, it was very sweet of julia 🙂

    THE REDNECKS!!! hahaha…. so funny. also, whenever you write ANYTHING in all caps, i automatically laugh.

  2. Good ole Rednecks. I guess they are a tribe unto themselves. Trouble is, they are all over the USA. BIG TRIBE. That is really hilarious. Isn’t it interesting what the world thinks of things in other countries.

  3. Good day!

    Although not exactly relating to the thread please allow me, dear friend, to tell you of the newest home of British comedy on the online.

    English For Dirty Foreigners is the only show on the internets that will lie to you outrightly about British language, traditions, customs and stuffs.
    Oh yes, we have many stuffs.

    Come for the comedy.
    Stay for the hilarity.

  4. Thanksgiving Greetings Kathryn, Dan and Bingo:

    It has been ages since I last blog posted….but it has been a rough slog getting AL through chemo and perhaps now on to radiation. I got a redneck just from reading your latest funny entry….wonder what “a Bubba” is called in Owambo? Hope you have a Happy Turkey Day and wonder if you will be making the very sepcial chicken dish for this…are you becoming expert in neck wringing? I have downloaded your GORGEOUS Mt. Hood Thanksgiving photo of U2 on my facebook so I can remember, this year, how much fun we had last year. I will sure miss the pre-feast hike up Multnomah Falls….but I bet you don’t have crazy winds in your village? Much Love, Auntie E….excited to see you soon!!!!!

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